Please see below for a letter from Tim with more information for the retreat, and how to register!

Greetings to you in the name of our risen Lord – from all of us at Shepherds’ Seminary Africa.
We are very excited to once again be hosting the Pastoral Couples’ Retreat (see attached invite)! Be sure to mark your calendars now for 21-23 April 2025 at Glenburn Lodge in Muldersdrift (just outside of Johannesburg) – a beautiful getaway spot for you & your bride (with delicious food!), see here:
Once again our aim for this retreat is:
(a) an opportunity to step away from the demands of ministry to focus on your relationship with each other – a time of refreshment for pastoral couples;
(b) to improve and strengthen relationships between like-minded churches.
Some testimonies from previous Couples’ Retreats:
“After 15 years of marriage, this was our first couple’s retreat. Thank you so kindly for inviting us! The fellowship was sweet, the sermons poignant and the alone time together priceless.”
“The retreat gave us time to reflect on our marriage. It helped us to rekindle our friendship, and plan to be more intentional. The messages were convicting and stirred us to search ourselves and repent in areas we have been taking for granted in our marriage. It refreshed our passion for ministry and serving God together where He has planted us.”
“It has revived our purpose of marriage according to the scriptures. Our take home is that our marriage must not suffer because of the ministry.”
“It has been an encouragement to hear the highs and lows of the other ministry couples and to be reminded that we are not alone. It has been helpful to learn from older couples on marriage and parenting.”
“It reminded me that my relationship with my wife is a ministry unto God, and that I needed to see my wife as the precious gift that God has given to me to help through our genuine companionship improve in the difficult and strenuous work of the ministry.”
“God has used retreats to deepen our own marriage, widen our cooperation in the gospel with others, and encourage us to stay faithful and finish well.”
COST: The actual cost is R5,200 per couple for 3 days, 2 nights (all meals included).
BOOKING: To secure a spot, email Vanessa at [email protected] to let her know that you would like to attend.
The deposit amount (half of the cost – being R2,600) to be paid by 28 February (e-mail [email protected] your proof of payment).
Payment details – Shepherds’ Seminary ABSA, Account #935 083 2403 – in the reference specify: “your name” + “Couples Ret” – the balance amount of R2,600 can be paid by 28 March 2025.
We know there may be some churches that are willing and able to cover this cost for the sake of their pastoral couple – but should finances be an issue, we would not like this to hinder your attendance – so some sponsorship is available upon request.
Let us know if you have any questions.
We once again pray that God would use this in each of our marriages and ministries for the honour of His name and extension of His kingdom in this needy land.
Every blessing brother,
p.s. Here’s video to whet your apettite further!