ON SOCIAL JUSTICE & THE WOKE CHURCH: AFFIRMATIONS & DENIALS – By the Faculty of Shepherds’ Seminary Africa

Love for the flock compels a shepherd to vigilance.  Pastors and elders are called to “exhort in sound doctrine and refute those who contradict” (Titus 1:9; Jeremiah 23).  Love for Christ is shown by tending and caring for His flock (John 21:15-17; 1 Peter 5:1-4).  One way we do that...

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Covid19 Lessons From Job

“Covid-19” is a term that we all know too well. This virus has spread throughout every country and   like a surreal science-fiction movie has resulted in a massive world-wide crisis with many infections, death and drastic government policies that have closed down the world physically and economically. At the beginning...

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The Great Priority

Loving God is the priority of the Christian life. Are you familiar with the overarching goal of the Christian life? What is the Christian life really about? What is the big idea? Use this study to grow your understanding of the primacy of worship, of God’s glory and of knowing...

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Conscience, Part III

The whole Christian life is to be love for God from a pure and sincere heart out of a good conscience. The conscience watches and afflicts us. The conscience is informed by our sources of moral information and by our actions. A clear conscience is necessary to have boldness before...

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Conscience, Part II

III. The Importance of the ConscienceThere is a profoundly important reason why every Christian should seek to have a clear conscience before God and man. It is simply this: a guilty conscience destroys boldness – Proverbs 28:1, The wicked flee when no one pursues, But the righteous are bold as a lion. A...

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Biblical Principles For Voting

A Guide for South African Christians for the 2019 Elections A pastor, a church or even an association of churches has no business proclaiming one political party to be a better choice than another, or instructing Christians to vote for one over the other. The separation of church and state...

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Conscience – Part I

In South Africa, we are used to sirens. We hear police and ambulance sirens often enough. Many of us have security alarms in our homes, with sirens that go off when the alarm is tripped. Sirens are there to alert us of something that is wrong. God has placed something...

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