A Christian View of Environmentalism

Environmentalism has risen to the status of a religion, calling all to believe in its dogma, and obey its commands. Many professing Christians have added their voices to this number, claiming that ‘the kingdom’ includes embracing the environmental agenda. Global warming advocates have raised the temperature of the rhetoric by...

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A Christian View of Racism

In a country with such a racially-charged history, very little discussion of contentious issues can go on without someone bringing up racism as a motive. Racism is by no means something that died with apartheid, nor is it something that one ‘race’ has the monopoly on. How should Christians think...

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A Christian View of Just War Part II

The Idea of “Just” War Christians have long held that most wars are immoral and unjustifiable, but that some wars are morally acceptable, legitimate or “just.” The following must be true for a war to be just: • The cause must be just. Aggression, revenge, economic gain or the taking...

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A Christian View of Just War Part I

When it comes to nations waging war on one another, Christians have advocated three positions. Activism: It is always correct to support or fight in a war waged by one’s government. Arguments: – Government has been ordained by God, and we are to submit to it (1 Pet 2:13-14, Rom...

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A Christian View of Science and Scientism – Part II

To understand where Christianity and ‘science’ contradict, we must take the time to rightly define science…(continued) 7) It was Christianity’s assumption that the world functioned according to the orderliness of a Creator’s commands that led to the science of Isaac Newton and others. The scientific method did not develop in...

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A Christian View of Science and Scientism – Part I

It’s common to hear people accuse Christianity of being ‘anti-science’, or to hear about the war between ‘religion and science’. In recent years, certain prominent atheists have claimed that reason and science are at odds with religion, which they class as superstition. Is there a genuine conflict between science and...

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