A Christian View on Birth Control

The last 60 years have seen a revolution in man’s ability to control conception: to prevent it where it is not desired, or to produce it where it is. Preventing Conception Producing Conception Natural Methods Barrier Methods Hormonal Pills / IUDs Emergency Contraception Sterilisation Fertility treatments Intra-Uterine Fertilisation (Artificial Insemination)...

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A Christian View of Music (Part 3)

Music and Worship  Worship music is not primarily offered to man for his enjoyment, though he is invited to worship the Lord with gladness. Thus, the One who hears all and understands all music, deserves our most skillful and excellent musical offerings. God is a unique Being, and there is...

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A Christian View of Music (Part 2)

Meaning and Music (continued) Judging meaning in music means we pay attention to something other than our own reactions to it. Music does not become good or bad based on our reactions (some of which are automatic and visceral).  Meaning is never separable from form. We cannot change forms without...

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A Christian View of Music (Part 1)

Music is not man’s invention, it is man’s discovery. Music predated the creation of man (Job 38 ) As part of creation, music can be used to distort the Creator’s desires for His world, or rightly represent them. There are over 290 references to music in the Bible. The Bible...

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Christian View of Euthanasia

In 2015, the North Gauteng High Court ruled that Robert Stransham-Ford was permitted to commit medically-assisted suicide. Because he died a day before the ruling, the Supreme Court has ruled the case invalid. Definition: The term “euthanasia,” comes from two Greek terms, eu meaning “happy, good,” and thanatos meaning “death.” Typically in our...

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Christian View of Abortion (Part 2)

Medical/Scientific Proof that an Unborn Child is Human 1. At the moment of conception the sperm fertilizes the egg, and a dramatic and instantaneous change occurs. These two cells form a new cell, which has a genetic uniqueness, completeness and wholeness as a one-celled zygote. Such a zygote formed at conception has...

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Christian View of Abortion

History The practice of abortion has been common throughout history. However, many cultures considered abortion to be a serious crime. Part of the Hippocratic Oath, which most doctors endorse, states in part, “I will not give a woman a [drug] to produce an abortion.” The Jewish people were historically against the practice, as...

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